Men’s Fellowship

We help set the framework for men to grow strong in their relationships with Jesus and each other. An effective men’s ministry is Christ-centered.  A man who knows God is humble, loving, respectful, honest, productive, responsible, hopeful, and living by faith.  Whether you are new to the church, a new believer of Jesus Christ looking to take the next step, a life-long believer, or just an ordinary guy like most of us, trying to be a better husband, father, and person, we’d like you to be a part of DGC’s Men’s Fellowship.  


‘Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who exercises kindness, justice, and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,’ declares the LORD.” (Jeremiah 9:23-24)

If you are interested in joining the Men’s Ministry, please contact us.


The Men ministry is not a separate entity but an integral part of Divine Grace Church which operates under the guidelines and constitution of Divine Grace Church.

VISION: – Building men united in the Lord.

Primary objective: – To create opportunities for men to build Christ-centered trusting relationships in which men will help, encourage and equip each other to:

Grow in Christ-likeness
Serve others in need
Evangelize the lost

Secondary objective: To grow a vibrant, Christ-centered (, Christo-Centric), Life-Changing, kingdom-focused men ministry aimed at building men for the future of the ministry and the end-time harvest.

GOALS: – We seek to develop the men’s ministry to help our men become energetic participants in the things of the Kingdom in the pursuit of becoming stronger Christians. To encourage men to channel their energies directly into practical Christian routines that work in the direction of their personal growth as leaders, uncles, dads, husbands, and passionate disciples of Jesus Christ.

We seek to grow a vibrant, Christ-centered, Life-Changing, Kingdom-Focused men ministry aimed at building men for the kingdom of God based on ministry to men by men implementing the following objectives:

  • Give the members the opportunity to make use of their natural skills and gifts to impact those they come in contact with (sphere of influence).
  • To promote the spiritual growth of all men of the church through encouragement, and training of members on how to fulfill their ministry role as men in the church and also their spiritual role and men in their homes.
  • To train men to be effective leaders at home, work, and the church through seminars, retreats, and conferences aimed at equipping, empowering, and uniting the men purposely to impact individuals, families, and our community.
  • To promote fellowship and social interaction among all men of the church by organizing group activities like barbecue, breakfast meeting, lawn mowing, and trimming of hedges and trees around the church, skating or bowling, basketball or soccer, weekend camping, etc.
  • To foster love and unity among men, recognizing the oneness of the Body of Christ in the church.
  • To provide mutual support for each other, be it financially, emotionally, physically, or socially.
  • To strengthen single men through the provision of counseling and guidance towards future marital decisions.
  • To provide training and skills development for all men in the church through workshops.
  • To invite experts to provide financial guidance and counseling in the areas of investments and personal life insurance etc.
  • To draw attention to resources and information for jobs, career development, and academic advancement.
  • To provide exceptional warm reception for our male guests aimed at recruiting them to the fellowship and the church through visitation and diverse kinds of communication (phone, emails, text messages, and interaction in social media, etc.)
  • To provide opportunities for spiritual enrichment and creativity. 
  • To plan on how to evangelize our neighborhood to win souls for the Kingdom of God. To plan evangelistic programs in conjunction with church leadership.

MEMBERSHIP – Without an option, it is preferred that membership of Divine Grace Men’s Fellowship will comprise of all men in the church.


Men !!!! …. United in the Lord
Men !!!! …. United in the Lord

Men !!!! …. United in the Lord with action

MEETING TIMES: – Physical meeting times have been suspended until further notice due to Covid-19. However. All emergency meetings will be conducted via ZOOM.

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